We, the trumpet section of the Glenn Miller Orchestra, recently visited the Hub van Laar workshop to purchase new trumpets. Hub has made a lot of wonderful trumpets so it was difficult to choose a new favourite. There were at least four trumpets that I really liked. At the end of the day I decided to buy the standard-weight B4 trumpet, which I will test thoroughly over the next few days when on tour. I’m pretty sure I made the right choice… My colleagues decided to buy the B7 and the B9.3, which also played superbly. We also tested a new Chuck Findley prototype and this too made great playing. I found it a bit too light for my taste, but it played very easily.
One of the best things about visiting Hub’s shop is that you meet trumpet players from all over the world. Today there was not only a colleague from Maastricht but also trumpeters from Finland, Italy, Germany and the Lebanon who were checking out Hub’s instruments. It was a great pleasure to talk to them all.
Erik Veldkamp