From 22 – 25 November 2018, Van Laar instruments will be on exhibition in Osaka and Tokyo, Japan. We will present our range of instruments, which now includes various new Bb trumpet models, also the new OIRAM trumpet model designed by Mario Garzaniti, and four new Van Laar cornets. Of course, all our instruments are available for testing. The exhibitions have been organized by our dealer Sanada & Co. and his shop Joy Brass. Hub van Laar and Heidrun Joechner will be present for a “Meet & Greet” and are looking forward to seeing you soon.
Van Laar Exhibitions:
Thursday 22nd November
Miki Gakki Music Store, Osaka
Friday 23rd November
Miki Gakki Music Store, Osaka
Saturday 24th November
Yamano Gakki, Tokyo
Sunday 25th November
Joy Brass, Tokyo
Further information can be found here