Trumpet Player and Cabaret Artist from Germany. The audience can enjoy his two shows “Eisheisse Musikshow” (”Hot Ice Music Show“) and ”Skotty’s Best Whiskey and Cigars”, with all their five senses.
Zu Hub’s Hörnern:
Gelingt es dem virtuos spielenden Musiker, der Liebe durch sein Instrument eine Gestalt zu geben, ist seine Kunst vollkommen. Perfekt in Intonation und Technik unterstützen mich Hub´s Instrumente meine Klangvorstellungen exakt umzusetzen, ohne das ich mich dem Instrument anpassen muss.On Hub’s Horns:
When a virtuoso musician manages to express love through his instrument, that is the consummate form of his art. Hub’s instruments are perfect in intonation and technique and help me to express my idea of sound with absolute precision without having to adapt myself to the instrument