Jonasz Dziuba
Principal Trumpet Player of The Tadeusz Baird Philharmonic in Zielona Góra. His solo career began already at the age of 13 with The National Philharmonic in Warsaw. He has won numerous awards and prizes at Polish and international competitions and festivals. Dziuba graduated with honours from the Karol Lipinski Academy of Music in Wroclaw under Prof. Igor Cecocho.
Niezależnie od okoliczności, trąbki Van Laar dają mi pewność siebie i nieskończone możliwości kreowania dźwięku. Pozwoliły mi uwierzyć że w muzyce jedynym ograniczeniem jest moja wyobraźnia.
Whatever the circumstances, Van Laar trumpets give me confidence and offer infinite possibilities to create sound. They make me believe that in music there are no boundaries other than my own imagination.
Sehen und hören
Jonasz Dziuba | The Dove and the Olive Leaf - Bob Chilcott
Jonasz Dziuba | Grand Prix FINALIS 2017 - II International Competition for Wind Instruments
Jonasz Dziuba | Jodeliszki
Jonasz Dziuba | The Shepherds Sing - Bob Chilcott