Lars Vissing
Trumpet Player from Denmark
In 2013 I discovered the brand Van Laar on the internet. I was searching for a heavier trumpet and ran into pictures of the Oiram trumpet. Went to the Van Laar workshop and fell in love with the Oiram II. Then tried the Oiram sandoval and was completely sold. I now also play the Van Laar B1 for bigband lead work.
Oiram II trumpet: Very big and fat sounding trumpet. Perfect for soloing and studio session work B1 trumpet: Compact core tone with nice high frequency top. Just plain beautiful sizzle. Oiram Sandoval flugelhorn: Very very silky warm solo tone. Good intonation and easy to play. Looks good too.
Kijken en luisteren
Lars Vissing | Live in Studio 1
Lars Vissing | Lukas Graham | Love Yourself
Lars Vissing | Lukas Graham | 7 Years