Ilkka Arola
Rhythmic Trumpet Player and Composer from Finland.
When I started playing Hub’s special Quartertone trumpet it really changed the whole trumpet playing for me. The quartertone valve has opened a lot of new pathways to explore music and it has given loads of different colors to my music. But it’s not only the extra valve that makes this horn amazing,
it’s the high quality of the instrument – the fluency while playing in all registers, the tone quality and versatile sound possibilities, you can seduce the listener with a beautifully dark and round sound or start dropping bombs if you feel like it. It is truly a well built horn that I love to play. Thank you van Laar!
Sehen und hören
Ilkka Arola | Kamelimmaito
Ilkka Arola | Qalandia
Ilkka Arola | Sound Tagine
Ilkka Arola | Jaakko Laitinen & Väärä Raha: Lähdön kyyneleet
Ilkka Arola | Jaakko Laitinen & Väärä Raha: "Kotimatka"